
Funny how excited you get over your dogs toileting. Fleur has had IBD since 2017 when she wasn’t well, and had many flare ups. She also has bit of kidney failure taking that she’s 15. The last few months or more she had a very picky appetite, some days had to hand feed her, some days had trouble giving her her medication and some days throwing up. I did start to wonder how much longer I might have with her and when she go into kidney failure
A friend posted about the fresh meals she sold. I thought why not not expecting her to like them since she’s been fussy and as I have two other dogs they could have them if she didn’t. Well the difference in her sense meat has been lowered in her diet. Many of her nighttime meals are a rice pudding with lactose free milk, eggs, cinnamon, quinoa , rice and now some blueberries. She gulps her breakfast and her dinner. Even half asleep she’ll eat her tablets no matter what. She hasn’t thrown up in a few weeks and the best of all her poos.
Her actual behaviour and energy level has come back to my cheeky girl, much more energy, still going for long walks and the other day she was the only one awake for the trip home. At time she doesn’t even want to get in the car, she walks around the pool with a life jacket on as she has fallen in once or twice tried to say it’s this what’s in the water, she has to be carried inside and the door closed otherwise should go out again. She continually tries to steal food off my plate, no manners there. 
Yes it does cost me more now to feed her but is that ad goes priceless. There is nothing I wouldn’t do all pay to ensure she has the best life possible and to live longer and happier and that is what she is at the moment. I do want a blood test sometime to see if her protein your own levels have gone down now.
Thank you Luciana Callaghan and Sassy Treats Pet Food I never thought my fussy girl would love those meals so much
S.Winn 26 November 2021

Hi {Sassy Treats},

Just a quick note that may interest you – after nearly three months of abnormal blood and urine test results, Penelope’s results came back NORMAL yesterday. I’m sure that sassy treats has everything to do with this. A big thank you for all your hard work and knowledge.

Kind Regards,

Sarah McFarlane & Penelope

Sarah McFarlane and Lady Penelope

Many thanks for the lovely and very yummy birthday cake for Luciebelle and Kendall. We all liked it so much it disappeared before we could take even one photo. We shared it with Patrick the 9 year old Golden Retriever down the road who walks with Beavis and is his best friend and also Nim a Blue Cattle dog who lives at Belrose and had never had a piece of doggie birthday cake before and just thinks some dogs are so lucky!!…

We are looking forward to Beavis and Keats square carrot cake with cream cheese icing in July. Beavis’ birthday is 14th and Keats is the 28th. They will both be 8 years old.

Many thanks, wags, licks and woofs from us to you.

Elizabeth, Luciebelle, Beavis, Keats and Kendall. xxxxx


LIz from Dogs of Distinction June 2016

Appreciate your excellent customer service very much.

Can I just say, your product is exceptional. I have tried many different varieties including making my own, and nothing compares to yours. My puppies just love it.

Thank you so much.

Speak to you soon with my new order J


Jodie from Ayr QLD Jan 2016

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the Sassy Treats!

My Cavoodle is a very fussy eater and he has been loving the meals that were dropped at our house. No more having to throw food away that he won’t eat!

I can’t believe how beautifully the products are packaged! Particularly the treats. I will definitely be ordering food from Sassy Treats in the future.

Thank you again. Please pass my thanks on to Sassy Treats!


Gemma and her cavoodle, DEC 2015

I’d like to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your support with Doolin over the last 12 months.
Doolin had been coughing up blood & pooing blood for a few months and went from 20kg to 16kg’s. After two ultra sounds and specialist treatment, I was advised that surgery was necessary to understand what was wrong with him.
I asked them to give me a month to see if I could find an alternate solution. I did – SASSY TREATS!!

Once we went onto your food, no more blood and he started putting on weight immediately.

Without the change in diet, Doolin would have undergone major surgery as a 1 year old dog.

Now all 3 of my boys are only eating your food!. It has made a major difference to our lives. Certainly far cheaper then vet bills!

Thanks again and keep up the great work!!

Liv Lundelius and Dalston Aug 2015

Firstly I’d like to say thank you from both my dogs for the yummy food we get from you.

Boof is about to be 17 1/2. She’s starting to slow down and age is definitely starting to show but I reckon that if it wasn’t for eating Sassy Treats food for the last 12 – 13 years I think

a) she would have had to visit the vet more often and

b) she wouldn’t still be healthy and happy.

Thanks again
Boof. Xo

Luan Hall and her shelties (Devlin, Harvey, Kalua, Pemberly and Brittany) 2015

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